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Land Transportation

With a safe, innovative fleet and well-established delivery networks across the globe, we are able to transport all manner of freight by road.

Our road freight services

  • Domestic and cross-border road freight services
  • Linehaul services across our global network
  • Metropolitan couriers
  • Express road services
  • National road express services for parcels and satchels
  • Premium freight services across our global network
  • Heavy haulage solutions including high payload tasks up to 360 tonne
  • Over-dimensional transport
  • Dangerous goods transport
  • Customs clearance
  • Contract PUD services
  • Drayage/Cartage

Our commitment to continuous improvement means that our vehicles are among the safest on the roads, as well as being efficient and environmentally sound.


It is hard to imagine that our extensive international network and the broad array of services that we offer have all stemmed from a single horse-drawn cart.

Despite our growth and diversification, road freight remains an area of expertise for us. Today, we maintain a fleet of over 5,000 trucks on four continents


Our cutting-edge technology and excellent staff allow us to provide our customers with tailor-made Road Freight solutions. And every time you use CGM EDG GLOBAL LOGISTICS you are assured the highest quality of customer service: speed, efficiency and careful handling – all the things that have made Hellmann such a success ever since that very first cart.